Adding Interesting Jewelry Pieces to My CollectionAdding Interesting Jewelry Pieces to My Collection

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Adding Interesting Jewelry Pieces to My Collection

A few years ago, I started collecting jewelry, and it has been really fun to watch my little collection grow. I started with a piece that my grandmother gave me, and then gradually began adding a thing here or there as I came across interesting items at thrift stores. It has been so amazing to wear different pieces that have so much history, and I absolutely love the stories behind each item that I have. This blog is all about adding interesting pieces of jewelry that will really help your look to stand out, and taking care of the items that are precious to you.

Tips For Taking Your Basketball Shoes To The Pawn Shop

If you need some quick cash, taking an item you can bear to part with to the pawn shop is an option. The pawn shop will give you quick cash for the item. If you come up with the money to pay them back with interest by a certain date, you can go reclaim the item. If not, the pawn shop will keep and resell your item for a profit. People pawn all sorts of things, from coins to watches. But one thing you may not have considered pawning is your basketball shoes. Especially if they're a sought-after brand, they can claim a good amount at the pawn shop. Here are some tips to follow if you do decide to pawn them.

Look up their full value beforehand.

Pawn shops won't pay you the full value of your item since they also need to be able to resell the item and make a profit on it. However, it is a good idea to know how much your item is worth before you go so you can know whether the pawn shop is giving you a good offer or not. Look up the make and model of your basketball shoes on various websites and get a general idea of their value.

Negotiate, if needed.

Some pawn shops really need more basketball shoes to add to their inventory. As such, they may be willing to give you more for your shoes than they initially offer. It, therefore, does not hurt to try and negotiate a little. If they offer you $60, ask if they can do $70. The worst they can say is no, and if your shoes are a model they are confident they can sell, chances are they'll say yes.

Bring the box and all accessories.

If you have the box your shoes came in, bring it. Also bring any accessories the shoes may have come with, such as stickers or extra laces. These accessories and the box make the shoes look more professional and new when the pawn shop resells them. Having them will likely increase the amount that the shop is willing to give you for the shoes.

If you've decided to pawn your basketball shoes, follow the tips above for a good experience. You can always visit a couple of pawn shops before deciding which one to sell to, too. It's worth looking around for a good deal.

Contact a pawn shop near you for more information about how to pawn basketball shoes.